Unique predictive medicine solution
To find out more about our Bora care® solution

Bora care® allows early detection of the risk of COPD exacerbation using a score based on real-life vital sign measurements.

Bora care® integrates a module for collecting and displaying data and alerts from the Bora band® bracelet and respiratory assistance machines, providing complete and personalized follow-up patients with COPD.
The solution assists healthcare professionals in proactive patient management, thus contributing to improve their care and reduce health costs.

The 5 key benefits of the solution:

Early management of exacerbations

Care coordination

Support decision support

Improved quality of life for patients

Contributes to the reduction of readmissions


Remote monitoring module for patients on respiratory assistance covered by health insurance

The Bora flow module ensures the collection and display of data from Non-Invasive Ventilation (NIV) machines as part of reimbursed medical remote monitoring.

Daily data update without delay
Combinable alerts and customizable thresholds
GDPR compliant, access to NIV data via the manufacturer's platform
Feedback of clinical and technical parameters of machines, direct access to AirView


If you missed our webinar on our reimbursed remote monitoring solution for chronic respiratory diseases, the replay is now available.

Other webinars are coming, where we will continue to share our innovations with you to improve the quality of life of chronic respiratory failure patients and promote a more sustainable healthcare ecosystem.

Integration with Bora connect®

Bora flow integrates with the Bora connect® DMN, enabling you to consult and monitor the parameters required for monitoring home-ventilated patients.

Each actor in the processing benefits from an optimized access to the data they need. This sharing of information and access to patient data accompanied by an alert system helps to improve the coordination of patient care.

Bora flow integrates with medical remote monitoring activities approved by the HAS, strengthening remote patient care.

The advantages of Bora flow:

  • Facilitates patient monitoring
    Quickly identify at-risk patients requiring your attention using filters and warning lights from a single dashboard.
  • Improves the care of patients under NIV
    Benefit from accurate and immediate monitoring of patient treatment adherence and quickly identify any non-adherence or irregularities in NIV use.
  • Simplifies exchanges between processing stakeholders
    Possibility of consulting the history of alerts and comments on other interventions carried out with the patient.

Want to know more ?

“Through different respiratory remote monitoring modules, in particular the Bora band® connected bracelet and the Bora flow solution, we offer doctors the capacity
to adjust drug treatments, thus preventing crises and improving the quality of life of respiratory patients. Our tools mark a significant step forward in the management of chronic respiratory pathologies, and this is a game-changer for those battling respiratory problems on a daily basis.”

(+33)02 21 65 70 01

13 rue Claude Chappe Building A Oxygen
35510 Cesson-Sévigné